Photographer based in London, United Kingdom

Sander Vos, Portrait of the photographer.
Tell us about yourself, what's your background?
I have developed an eye for Art and Design from an early age. My passion for photography grew gradually through my creative experimentations and working in the advertising industry.

In Between the Shadows 2023, Photography
"I use light and shadows as tools to carve out graphic compositions. I'm also a keen reader of books related to buddhist philosophy. This way of thinking has a big influence on the way that I live my live in general and the work that I create."
What are you currently working on and where did the inspiration for it come from?
I'm currently working on two projects, one for which I'm combining photography with 3d rendering, laser-cutting and collage techniques. This project took quite a while to take shape in my head and requires me to collaborate with others with specific skillsets too. This is quite different to my other projects which came to fruition in solitude.

In Between the Shadows 2023, Photography (framed)
Innovation does not only happen in the field of technology — it occurs everyday in a creative practice. What do you do for inspiration?
For me it's an innate curiosity that leads to new ideas and experimentations, So I try to grab as many opportunities as I can to see new art, visit different places and scan through art books.

In Between the Shadows 2023, Photography
Describe your practice and process. Where do ideas start for you? In the studio or being in the world?
Ideas can form anywhere at any moment however it does require you to be open to new unexpected influences and directions. This can be out in the world or when I'm editing photographs. It helps to create with intent, it gives you a starting point and rough judging criteria. I'm personally fascinated with exploring what hasn't been done yet, less so in creating variations of what is out there already. Challenging the perceptions that people have of the medium of photography fascinates me.

In Between the Shadows 2023, Photography
How do you make your work, does it start with a sketch?
Sometimes ideas start from a sketch however many arrive as happy accidents.

Sketching and form the esthetics.
Do you have your own studio ritual? What does that look like for you?
I do tend to start the day with some meditation and chillhop before I start working on the edits of my photographs. However in terms of shooting, I depend very much on my environment and the natural light. So in that case it's more of me adapting to the situation and the opportunities that present themselves at that very moment.

In Between the Shadows 2023, Photography
Who are your biggest influences?
The Bauhaus and cubist movements have probably had the most profound impact on my career path and style. I started my career as a designer and this influence is still visible in my work. I use light and shadows as tools to carve out graphic compositions. I'm also a keen reader of books related to buddhist philosophy. This way of thinking has a big influence on the way that I live my live in general and the work that I create.

In Between the Shadows 2023, Photography (framed)
Are there books or films that are an important source of inspiration?
I own a big collection of japanese art and design books, so naturally this influence and the esthetics will find ways to flow back into my work.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
You are not the work you do; you are the person you are.

studio view
What is the best advice you would give to other artists?
Don't define yourself with your success or lack of it in your or the world's eyes. The most important thing about creating art is that you give yourself the opportunity to express parts of yourself and a portal to share this with the world around you. It's worthiness comes from whether it gives you some sense of fulfillment whilst doing so.

In Between the Shadows 2023, Photography (framed)
Stay up to date with Sander Vos
Instagram @sandervos