Photographer based in Brooklyn, New York

Constanze Han, Portrait of the photographer
Tell us about yourself, what's your background?
I've always loved photography and did an art history degree at uni where I learned about Malian photographers Seydou Keita and Malick Sidibé and wrote my thesis on their work. Through their images I realized that a great portrait or party photograph can tell you so much about the attitudes and values of a society you know nothing about.

The Betel Nut Beauties (Bing Lan Xi Shi), 2022, Film Photography
At the time, the idea of being a photographer didn't feel like an option - I hadn't developed an understanding of the technical aspects of photography and just didn't have the confidence to go out into the field and make images. Since I had already started working in fashion at age seventeen and did so throughout school, I continued and spent the next decade working as a fashion editor and celebrity stylist.

The Betel Nut Beauties (Bing Lan Xi Shi), 2022, Film Photography
Being on sets with incredible photographers and being part of a team that contributed to making photos did make it feel less intimidating. Eventually, I got super burned out working in fashion, bought a camera and started photographing people.
"The project I'm currently working on is a long term body of work that focuses on nail culture. I look at the artistry involved and at nails as part of a person's self expression and identity. I also look at the intimacy of getting one's nails done along with the economic element of nails across several communities in different global regions."

The Betel Nut Beauties (Bing Lan Xi Shi), 2022, Film Photography
What are you currently working on and where did the inspiration for it come from?
The project I'm currently working on is a long term body of work that focuses on nail culture. I look at the artistry involved and at nails as part of a person's self expression and identity. I also look at the intimacy of getting one's nails done along with the economic element of nails across several communities in different global regions.

Tati au Miel, Brooklyn, 2021
I'm a New York girl and have been getting my nails done with art, jewels, airbrush etc since I was a teenager. It's been such a big part of how I express myself and I've had so many unexpected conversations with people because we've glanced at each others nails on the train. I've also had so many moving conversations, joyful conversations and laughs with artists who have done my nails. This project honors our community and shared experiences.

Teresa loves Napoli, Napoli, 2021

Andrea's Nail Stall, Mexico City, 2020
Innovation does not only happen in the field of technology — it occurs everyday in a creative practice. What do you do for inspiration?
Having conversations with people is my biggest source for inspiration. The ability folks have to be both resilient and creative during challenging times never stops inspiring me.

Diana, Mexico City, 2020
Antonio, Napoli, 2021
Describe your practice and process. Where do ideas start for you? In the studio or being in the world?
I rarely spend time in a studio, so most of anything that happens is in the world, in the streets, around people. Ideas come from things that have fascinated me for a long time, often going back to childhood.

Trecia's Shop, Kingston, 2021
How do you make your work, does it start with a sketch?
I usually begin with heavy research and make a list of questions I have and a list of people I'd like to talk to or photograph as a loose guide. I try not to have too many expectations as to a final outcome and just use the work process as a way to have a better understanding of the idea or topic. I'm mostly a documentary and portrait photographer but I think my background in fashion affects how I see things.

Baby Alexis and Mother, Kingston, 2021

Flava Nails by Nurse Signs, Negril 2021
Paoli, Napoli, 2021
Do you have your own studio ritual? What does that look like for you?
I don't have much of a routine or ritual. Usually I work projects for continuous stretches of a week to a month on location. Those times are pretty full on from day until night. When I'm not on a project, life is pretty balanced and I'm taking meetings, researching, editing, printing in the darkroom etc.

The Betel Nut Beauties (Bing Lan Xi Shi), 2022, Film Photography
Who are your biggest influences?
My biggest mentor is my former photo editor at Esquire, Alison Unterreiner. She helped me transition from fashion editor to photographer. When I first started, my photographs were terrifying and Alison pushed me hard with constant constructive criticism to improve. She held my hand through every assignment, project and many edits. I'm so grateful to have had her guidance.

The Betel Nut Beauties (Bing Lan Xi Shi), 2022, Film Photography
Are there books or films that are an important source of inspiration?
Alessandra Sanguinetti's The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and the Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams, Susan Meiselas' Carnival Strippers and Mary Ellen Mark's Falkland Road are three photo books that are constantly a source of inspiration.

The Betel Nut Beauties (Bing Lan Xi Shi), 2022, Film Photography
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Someone once told me that as a photographer, you should always be able to find a special care and love for the person you are photographing.
What is the best advice you would give to other artists?
For photographers, I would say if you see someone you would like to photograph, to push through any fear of rejection you may have, introduce yourself and just ask.
Stay up to date with Constanze Han
Instagram @constanzehan