Artist based in Italy

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Claudia Fuggetti, portrait of the artist

Tell us about yourself, what's your background?

I started photographing my hometown, Taranto, at the age of 14. I began sharing the images I captured on social media like MySpace and, by the time I was 17, I held my first exhibition. I realized that photography was my language when I began receiving messages online from people all over the world. Knowing that my images had reached individuals in such distant places felt magical. After graduating in Cultural Heritage Studies, I continued pursuing photography. Eventually, I enrolled in the Photography and Visual Design master's program at Naba in Milan, earning a scholarship. Over the following years, I worked as a photography assistant and as a photographer and photo editor for an Italian art and design magazine. I furthered my studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Digital Cultures, graduating with honors.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Photographic series

Through photography, video, and digital painting, I aim to propose new interpretative frameworks for understanding the contemporary world. I strive to transcend the pure objectivity of the visible by crafting alternative and possible worlds within my work. These creations serve as a reflection of human aspirations towards the future and technology. Whether constructed or captured, each image contributes to a subjective perspective that examines novel viewpoints and scenarios. In my artistic practice, I embrace a personal use of color and various mediums that complement traditional photography. This approach allows for the coexistence of different visual elements, enriching the narrative and depth of each composition.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Photographic series

Ultimately, my work seeks to provoke thought and emotion by offering unique visual experiences that challenge conventional perceptions and invite viewers to contemplate the evolving intersections of humanity and technology.

"I strive to transcend the pure objectivity of the visible by crafting alternative and possible worlds within my work. These creations serve as a reflection of human aspirations towards the future and technology."

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Photographic series

What are you currently working on and where did the inspiration for it come from?

Currently, I am working on my family archive. My grandmother Mary was born in Yonkers, New York, in 1929. In the United States, my great-grandfather had started an ice-making business, but after a few years, he returned to Italy with the family.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Mary's Box, 2024, Photography

Innovation does not only happen in the field of technology — it occurs everyday in a creative practice. What do you do for inspiration?

I draw inspiration from reading, my personal life experiences, and current events in the world. Technology is integral to my reflection and deeply involves photography as a language. I enjoy exploring the boundaries of photography as an artistic practice. My primary sources of inspiration stem from a range of intellectual stimuli, combined with extensive experimentation and reflection on the images I produce and how I produce them.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Mary's Box, 2024, Photography

Describe your practice and process. Where do ideas start for you? In the studio or being in the world?

The birth of an idea is always a process driven by a series of inputs. Sometimes, after photographing, I review the images and only then understand the role they will play in my project. Other times, I plan in detail the type of image I want to achieve, studying the best conditions and techniques that can be most useful for realizing what I have in mind. However, what I find most enjoyable is when an image that I hadn't initially valued turns out to be the most interesting.

I take a lot of inspiration from painting, and sometimes I observe a lot of paintings to reproduce their colors.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Mary's Box, 2024, Photography

How do you make your work, does it start with a sketch? 

Typically, after forming a clear idea of what I want to create, I search for existing references, although it's not always possible to find them. Consequently, the only sketch feasible is the one in my mind, although today, thanks to artificial intelligence, we can generate sketches that closely resemble the idea we've decided to bring to life, even if no existing references are found.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Color study: I experiment with hues based on juxtapositions

Many artists live by their routines, do you have your own rituals inside and outside of the studio? What does that look like for you?

When I create, I fully immerse myself in my own space, typically in a room where I can play music that inspires me. I have a studio recently, currently sorting out my prints and my archive of works. My ritual revolves around listening to music and getting lost in the process of image development.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti

Sometimes, the choice of music aligns with the theme or emotion I want to convey in my images, while other times it's simply about creating a comfortable and stimulating environment. As I delve into my artistic process, the music becomes intertwined with my thoughts and movements, guiding the flow of creativity. It helps me tune out distractions and enter a state of focused immersion, where ideas can unfold organically.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Mary's Box, 2024, Photography

Who are your biggest influences?

I am deeply influenced by the art of Wassily Kandinsky, one of the pioneers of abstract and modern art, as well as Claude Monet, renowned for his mastery of color and light. Kandinsky's innovative vision of art as emotional and spiritual expression has had a profound impact on my artistic perspective. Kandinsky transformed the way we conceive color and form, inspiring artists to explore new territories in visual art. His theory of emotional abstraction has motivated my search for expressive modes that transcend mere representations of reality. Similarly, Claude Monet's use of color and light to capture fleeting moments and atmospheric effects deeply resonates with me. His ability to convey mood and emotion through color choices has influenced my approach to photography.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Mary's Box, 2024, Photography

In my photographic practice, I am fascinated by the idea of using color and composition not only to document reality but also to convey deep emotions and sensations. Inspired by Kandinsky and Monet, I strive to adopt a more abstract and conceptual approach, interpreting color as a vehicle to communicate symbolic and inner meanings within my images.

Photographic series

Are there books or films that are an important source of inspiration?

Certainly. These cinematic and literary masterpieces have profoundly influenced my creativity and artistic vision. Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" has always fascinated me with its revolutionary imagery and exploration of themes related to industrialization and social divisions. Films by directors like Stanley Kubrick and Ridley Scott are also endless sources of inspiration for me. Kubrick, with works such as "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "A Clockwork Orange", offers visionary storytelling and meticulous attention to detail, exploring complex philosophical themes that push me to seek similar depths in my work. Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner", based on Philip K. Dick's novel, deeply explores issues related to nature, human identity, and our relationship with technology, providing a thought-provoking interpretation of a dystopian world dominated by technology. As for books and literature, I think I would go on too long.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Mary's Box, 2024, Photography

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

You only live once.

What is the best advice you would give to other artists?

Believe in the power of imagination, because it is much more real than many things. If you believe in it, the magic will capture others as well.

Innovate Grant Honorable Mention Claudia Fuggetti
Portrait of the artist

Stay up to date with Claudia Fuggetti
Instagram @lafugg