Photographer based in Odessa, Texas

amy yeminne kim
Amy Yeminne Kim, Portrait of the photographer

Tell us about yourself, what's your background?

I was born in the US and my family moved to South Korea when I was in elementary school. I grew up very Korean, studied French at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. After college, I worked in the now hyper coveted K-pop industry in Seoul, Korea. I made my first art video project in graduate school while studying arts administration. I became more serious about a career as a visual artist during my second MFA in studio arts which I started in my late thirties.

Amy Yeminne Kim
After I-20 Exit99, 2022, aluminum print front mounted, 6x6x3"
Amy Yeminne Kim
Petro Objects, 2022, aluminum print front mounted, 6x6x3"

"I am working on a series of photographic recipe cards that crisscross the Permian Basin of Texas and the Caribbean ... I see both areas as sites of extraction. The cards reference geology, displacement, extraction, coloniality, and sometimes, gastronomy."

Amy Yeminne Kim
Flares II, 2021, archival pigment print, 40x50"

What are you currently working on and where did the inspiration for it come from?

Last year, I was invited to contribute to a chapter in a edited volume entitled "Nourish and Resist: Food and Transatlantic Feminisms in Contemporary Global Caribbean Art."

In response, I am working on a series of photographic recipe cards that crisscross the Permian Basin of Texas and the Caribbean. The title of the project is the "CaribBasin Recipe Cards," I see both areas as sites of extraction. The cards reference geology, displacement, extraction, coloniality, and sometimes, gastronomy. I was interested in utilizing a photographic form that was distributable. Hence, the recipe cards.

Amy Yeminne Kim
Petro Talk, 2022, aluminum print front mounted, 6x6x3"

Innovation does not only happen in the field of technology — it occurs everyday in a creative practice. What do you do for inspiration?

Talking to other visual artists and scholars about thier work energizes my practice. Just today, I had a gallery visit with an artist friend at his solo exhibition. Scholarly articles always inform my work and I enjoy reading these. Currently, I am reading "Carbon Democracy" by Timothy Mitchell, and "The Extractive Zone" by Macarena Gómez-Barris, and the "Photographer's Cookbook" published by "Aperture." I love style and fashion and spend a fair amount of time on my fashion endevours too.

Amy Yeminne Kim
Strip, 2022, aluminum print front mounted, 6x6x3"

Describe your practice and process. Where do ideas start for you? In the studio or being in the world?

Most of my ideas come from reading, thinking, and applying my thoughts into a physical form. I try to look at a wide array of photographic images, old, new, historic, commercial, throwaway snapshots and art. The most successful ideas seem to come while I am working in the studio on an unrelated piece.

Amy Yeminne Kim
Photographing still life in Monahans State Park, Monahans, TX

Amy Yeminne Kim
Framed prints in studio

How do you make your work, does it start with a sketch?

I keep an artwork planning form. When an idea occurs, I start planning by using the form. It's a great way to keep record of one's process.

Amy Yeminne Kim
Test shot in the studio

Do you have your own studio ritual? What does that look like for you?

I usually work in total silence in the studio. I usually work alone. I often enter into a flow state where I do not know how much time has passed.

Amy Yeminne Kim
Test shot

Who are your biggest influences?

My MFA program at Texas Tech University was instrumental to my career as artist.

Amy Yeminne Kim
Frac Pit, 2022, 6x6” metal print front mounted on 3” box frame

Are there books or films that are an important source of inspiration?

I gravitate towards post-structuralist thoughts and theorists.

How will Innovate Grant contribute to your practice?

The recognition from the Innovate Grant is so important in helping me move forward with my art. The funds will help with exhibition expenses.

Amy Yeminne Kim
Wolfcamp Catalogue Installation Shot, 2022, exhibited in 24’x8’ enclosed trailer
Amy Yeminne Kim
Flames I, Pigment Print on Aluminum, 2022, 6x6” metal print front mounted on 3” box frame

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Let it go.

What is the best advice you would give to other artists?

Keep at it!

Amy Yeminne Kim
Meet the Mud Wrestlers, 2022, 6x6” metal print front mounted on 3” box frame

Stay up to date with Amy Yeminne Kim
Instagram @yeminne_amykim