Federico Tejeda Piaggio

Fall 2024 Cycle – Art
Lima, Peru @federico__tejeda


Break Inertia, NOW Gallery, Lima, Photo by Hector Odagled.


Stele, 2024, Plastic Tv Casings and inox fixings, 230x70x65(cm), Photo by Hector Odagled.


Break Inertia, NOW Gallery, Lima, Photo by Hector Odagled.


5, 2024, Aluminum, bone, steel and poluyrethane, 120x56x15(cm), Photo by Hector Odagled.


5 (detail), 2024, Aluminum, bone, steel and poluyrethane, 120x56x15(cm), Photo by Hector Odagled.


Break Inertia, NOW Gallery, Lima, Photo by Hector Odagled.


Breaking Inertia (2019-2024), Disposed Steel and Iron structures, Inox and copper fixings, electric cable, used monophasic motors, electric capacitor, used electric motor, polyurethane, Variable Measurements, Photo and Video by Hector Odagled, https://youtu.be/xsrdFlBUHIU.


Breaking Inertia (2019-2024), Disposed Steel and Iron structures, Inox and copper fixings, electric cable, used monophasic motors, electric capacitor, used electric motor, polyurethane, Variable Measurements, Photo and Video by Hector Odagled, https://youtu.be/xsrdFlBUHIU.


Gaze, 2019, Oil-based Iron oxide ink monoprint of disposed iron on paper, 95x70x4, photo by Hector Odagled.


Accumulation #2, 2024, Steel, plastic, inox, zinc, 46x37x28, Photo by Hector Odagled.


Accumulation #2 (detail), 2024, Steel, plastic, inox, zinc, 46x37x28, Photo by Hector Odagled.

Artist Statement Biography

Federico Tejeda (b. 1995, Lima) is an artist and researcher based in Lima, Peru. His current practice delves into the autonomy of form, the resonance of lost corporeality, and the tension between labor and technology. Through sculpture, installation, and video, Tejeda composes and assembles the dissonance between production and objecthood, offering a new lens on the systems that shape everyday narratives
through economic, social, and temporal paradigms. He is interested in the representational systems embedded in industrial development, modernization processes and the place of corporeality abstracted within.
Federico Tejeda received his bachelor’s degree in art with a specialization in sculpture from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) (2021). He enrolled in courses in photography at the Centro de la Imagen (2018); and sculpture at Corriente Alterna (2016). His work has been previously presented in group exhibitions at Vigil Gonzales, Lima (2019); EXMerges and Entropía Generacional at LAC Gallery, Lima (2019); Myopia Fest at Sotano1Espacio and 1969 Gallery, Lima (2021); and at the MUTA International Festival of Audiovisual Appropriation, Lima (2022), among others. His first solo exhibition occurred in NOW Gallery, Lima through September and October 2024.

Federico Tejeda (b. 1995, Lima) is an artist and researcher based in Lima, Peru. His current practice delves into the autonomy of form, the resonance of lost corporeality, and the tension between labor and technology. Through sculpture, installation, and video, Tejeda composes and assembles the dissonance between production and objecthood, offering a new lens on the systems that shape everyday narratives
through economic, social, and temporal paradigms. He is interested in the representational systems embedded in industrial development, modernization processes and the place of corporeality abstracted within.
Federico Tejeda received his bachelor’s degree in art with a specialization in sculpture from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) (2021). He enrolled in courses in photography at the Centro de la Imagen (2018); and sculpture at Corriente Alterna (2016). His work has been previously presented in group exhibitions at Vigil Gonzales, Lima (2019); EXMerges and Entropía Generacional at LAC Gallery, Lima (2019); Myopia Fest at Sotano1Espacio and 1969 Gallery, Lima (2021); and at the MUTA International Festival of Audiovisual Appropriation, Lima (2022), among others. His first solo exhibition occurred in NOW Gallery, Lima through September and October 2024.

Meet the Artist

Federico Tejeda Piaggio


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