Daniel Ribar

Fall 2023 Honorable Mention — Art
Detroit, Michigan danielribar.com

All sculptures are listed as Untitled Brick Build
Made between 9/23 -10/30
All photos are made by Daniel Ribar

Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention

A few phone photos of bricks in studio.

Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention
Daniel Ribar Fall 2023 Innovate Grant Honorable Mention

Artist Statement

Time-based structures built this year between 9/21 and 10/31.
A five-minute limit was placed on each build - encouraging me to work faster and embrace the idea of imperfection.
At the end of the time limit the objects were photographed as they were.
I was interested in highlighting the moment just before a breaking point, and then scrutinizing it. Forcing myself to create these moments over and over again was an interesting experiment. I slowly started to become aware of the behavior patterns I found myself operating within.
These ideas of failure that often hold me back could be looked at as opportunities to reevaluate the way I think and reason with myself. Letting go of preconceived ideas can be just as important as conceiving ideas in the first place.
I added a grid of images at the end of this sequence showing builds that weren't as successful. I think it's just as important to see them though. They were just as much a part of this process as the others and I probably ended up learning more from them than from the builds I considered successful.

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